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Child marriage: a global issue

Writer's picture: PormundoPormundo

By Giovanna Lauro and Margaret E. Greene

Marriage is an institution that the majority of the adult population does not adhere to unthinkingly. In general terms, it is recognized that the terms and conditions of this relationship will alter their lives in profound ways and that awareness and maturity are necessary prerequisites for marriage. Over the past five years, the world has begun to pay more attention to how these conditions are not met, especially as a result of the prevalence of marriages involving children, the majority of whom are girls. Every year, more than 14 million girls are married before they turn 18 – that is, 1 girl every 2 seconds. This number is growing: according to estimates by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), by 2030 there will be more than 15 million girls engaged annually.

Although both boys and girls can be victims of child marriage, girls are disproportionately affected by marriage . Furthermore, getting married while you are a child has serious and lasting consequences. Child brides are twice as vulnerable to domestic violence as those who marry later. Girls are also twice as exposed to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV as boys of similar ages. Girls also face significantly higher risks of death during pregnancy and childbirth than women in their 20s – complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death for girls aged 15 to 19 in poor countries . The occurrence of stillbirths and deaths of newborns is 50% higher in mothers under the age of 20 than when women become pregnant after the age of 20. Finally, child marriage often prevents girls from continuing their studies, making it difficult to overcome poverty.

The causes of child marriage are complex and often related; including unfavorable economic conditions, prevalence of traditional practices and continued denial of human rights. In low-income families, the lack of economic alternatives contributes to this practice, as marriage to an older man is seen as a means of achieving economic security for the girl and her family. Additionally, disasters and emergencies can increase economic pressure on households, making child marriage a common practice in contexts where it was previously unacceptable. In many contexts it is considered normal for girls to marry older men, and this practice is justified by the tradition or custom, essential to preserve the family’s “honor” and the girl’s virginity. More broadly, the acceptance of child marriage is also the result of a set of social norms and attitudes that do not value girls' human rights. In this sense, child marriage is symptomatic of social and cultural traditions and beliefs that deny girls and women their rights and their ability to play an equal role in their homes and communities.

Although the data is not very consistent and reliable in some contexts, we know that child marriage is a global issue in the sense that it takes place all over the world, among people of all religions. Although child marriage rates are highest in sub-Saharan and Western Africa, the highest number of child marriages is recorded in Southeast Asia. Its prevalence is relatively low in Europe, East Asia and North America – however, this practice is far from being eradicated in these contexts.

In Europe, the countries with the highest rates of child marriage are Georgia, Türkiye and Ukraine. In the United Kingdom and France, it is estimated that at least 10% of teenagers marry before the age of 18. In Latin America, much of the research and intervention in this field is concentrated in Central America. Despite Brazil being practically absent from global discussions on civil marriage, in 2012 it was listed among the countries with a high prevalence of this practice. More than 42,700 girls aged 10-14 were already married according to the 2010 Census. Many of these unions were informal, as it is illegal to marry under the age of 14.

Segmented and multidimensional analyzes are needed on the multiple expressions of child marriage, covering diverse geographic, religious, ethnic, educational and class contexts. Coordinated action is also needed to respond to one of the great injustices of our time, which remains largely invisible, despite its prevalence. The magnitude of child marriage is even more surprising given the lack of concentrated efforts on the global rights and development agenda and the absence of these girls from the economic, political and social life of their countries. Since traditions and institutions often do not treat girls as full citizens, legal provisions on girls' rights are irrelevant if people like us do not mobilize and fight for their fulfillment.

In addition to being an end in itself, working to eradicate child marriage is also central to addressing issues related to sexual and reproductive rights, gender-based violence, girls' economic empowerment and community development. Although many countries have set a minimum age for marriage, sometimes families themselves are unaware that they are violating the law. In some countries, legislation, despite being present, is not accompanied by adequate means for its implementation and supervision. Experiences in various contexts have shown that combining appropriate legislation and policies with initiatives aimed at changing social norms can achieve positive results – especially if they make available viable alternatives to marriage, such as education. An important step towards enhancing the impact of these initiatives is the engagement of men and boys who support girls and oppose child marriage: a father who agrees with the postponement of his daughter's wedding; a young man who decides to oppose his sister's marriage; a relative who prevented child marriage; or a man who changed his mind on child marriage. Involving men and boys in preventing child marriage is one of the recommendations from a recent body of research that demonstrates that adolescent women benefit from the involvement of male caregivers. They tend to be less vulnerable to sexual violence, early and unwanted sexual activity and are more likely to have better self-esteem and seek partners who advocate gender equality.

All girls should have the right to freely decide if, when and who they want to marry. For this ideal to become a reality, interventions must achieve the goals of access to education and economic means of support and go beyond these, targeting social expectations and attitudes towards child marriage. By challenging widely accepted social norms and engaging key stakeholders – such as parents and religious and traditional leaders – interventions must address issues of gender and sexuality, perceiving girls as human beings with intrinsic value and subjects of inalienable human rights.

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