Project F is a methodology that seeks to train football teachers/coaches in activities related to HIV/AIDS prevention and sexual and reproductive health to act as multipliers with students. Since 2013, Promundo has been developing the project in three Rio communities: Complexo do Alemão, Guararapes and São Carlos, training community coaches and reaching teenagers between 11 and 17 years old.
In 2014, Project F will be incorporated into the actions of the “Sem Vergonha” Campaign, a Promundo initiative in partnership with the Health and Prevention in Schools program, which involves students in a participatory way in questioning gender norms and developing actions to communication about sexuality, HIV/AIDS prevention and gender equity in schools. The campaign, which was launched in nine schools in 2013, will be extended to eight other school units this year.
Among the actions planned by the students promoting the “Sem Vergonha” campaign are gymkhanas and sports activities that should incorporate the Project F methodology. The students were introduced to the Coach's Manual and the idea is that they can mobilize physical education teachers to adopt the methodology of Project F, which involves recreational and sporting activities and reflections on prevention, gender norms and sexual health and reproductive health.
“Everyone at school really likes dodgeball, for example, so we’re going to create a sports week and discuss the campaign’s themes,” said Gabrielle Bloomfield, a student at Escola Estadual Julia Kubitschek.
The State Department of Education approved the incorporation of the Project F methodology by schools and it is expected that the campaign will encourage physical education teachers to use the activities permanently in their classes.