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Writer's picturePormundo

Promundo and partners promote visibility of paternal care during Fathers' Month in Brazil

On the second Sunday of August, Father's Day is celebrated in Brazil. During the month, Promundo and partners carried out actions to highlight the importance of men's involvement in fatherhood and care.

The actions began on social media, where the campaigns Você é meu Pai and Dá Licença, Eu sou Pai! came together to talk about the advances and challenges of paternity leave and other policies on the subject in Brazil, sharing images and videos on Facebook and Twitter .

On August 27th, Promundo participated in the National Civil Construction Day, an annual event of the Social Service of the Construction Industry of Rio de Janeiro (SECONCI-Rio). At the event, Promundo had a stand with the You are my Father Exhibition and information to involve men in the care and education of girls and boys and in their commitment to fatherhood. Conversation circles were held with workers and their families.

On August 30th and 31st, the National First Childhood Network, of which Promundo is part, held the II National Seminar on Fatherhood and First Childhood. The two days were dedicated to discussions on topics related to public policies for early childhood care, paternity and maternity leave, different family configurations, impacts of expanding paternity leave and promoting gender equality.

The seminar also featured special events, such as the pre-launch of the report Situation of Parents in Brazil, by Promundo, the presentation of the campaign Dá Licença, Eu Sou Pai!, by Instituto Papai and the cine-debate with the film The Beginning of Vida, from the Alana Institute.

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