The Sexual Exploitation, no! project, which began to be implemented at the end of November by Promundo in partnership with Projeto Legal in four communities in Rio de Janeiro, aims to strengthen a network to combat child sexual exploitation in the city. The initiative will last four years.
During this period, research will be carried out with focus groups of teenagers and professionals who work in the rights guarantee system and awareness-raising workshops will be carried out with 400 young people. Specialized legal defense, psychosocial assistance and monitoring services will also be offered to residents of participating communities. The initiative also includes community campaigns and the distribution of educational materials on the topic.
Working on child sexual exploitation is extremely relevant as the mega sporting events of 2014 and 2016 will have a major impact on the city. “The project has the potential to problematize this issue, which came to light with the formation of the Committee to Combat the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in 2000. Now that we are close to the Olympics and the World Cup, we can raise this discussion, as these major events impact the lives of these young people and the popular communities in which they live.”, says Simone Gomes, project assistant at Promundo.
Contributing to understanding the problem
In 2010, 460 cases of sexual exploitation were reported to public security agencies and 29 calls were received by the national human rights hotline, characterizing an increase in the number of reported cases, which demonstrates greater understanding and recognition of child sexual exploitation by part of the public. The project will contribute to increasing understanding of the topic and favoring young people's access to health, education, security and justice services.
State Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents
In the State Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents in Rio de Janeiro (PECVSCA/RJ), measures such as: mapping existing services, identifying gaps in policies and service networks, legislation and strategies to challenge issues of exploitation are recommended. sexual violence, production of data on sexual violence, funding for activities to prevent sexual violence, among others. Therefore, sexual exploitation, no! will favor the implementation of this policy, through the awareness and qualification of the social protection network (public and civil society), promoting the guarantee and defense of the human rights of children and adolescents.