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Writer's picturePormundo

Promundo encourages the creativity and artistic expression of children and adolescents in a campaign for racial and gender equality

During the month of September, Promundo carried out the “I believe” campaign, which aimed to bring the perspectives of children and adolescents from the communities of Maré and Guararapes, in Rio de Janeiro, to promote racial and gender equality, valuing their own potential to believe in and be agents of social transformation.

As part of the campaign, graffiti, RAP and photography workshops were offered, which encouraged the questioning of social norms that reinforce machismo, homophobia and racism in the daily lives of children and adolescents participating in the project Practicing Sport and Winning in Life, led by Promundo in both communities.

The culmination of the workshops took place during the “I Believe Art and Culture Festival”, where children and teenagers were able to present their artistic productions. On the 24th it took place at CPOR, in Maré, and on the 26th at Quadra do Cantão, in Guararapes , with photography exhibitions, graffiti and rap battles.

On September 24th, in Maré, mosaics with photos of children, made by them

themselves, composed the photographic clothesline. Two graffiti panels were created there, one saying no to racism, painted by the morning group, and the other extolling diversity, against prejudice, painted by the afternoon group. The RAP battles brought the campaign themes with great creativity, including a parody of RAP da Felicidade, by Cidinho and DOCA, in which teenagers addressed the current issue of repression suffered by young black people and/or community residents during their journey to the beaches in Rio de Janeiro.

In Guararapes, the children participating in the project showed their interaction with community spaces and with the camera itself on the photographic clothesline displayed at the Festival. Throughout the event, teenagers painted graffiti on one of the court's walls, representing a black Christ the Redeemer looking over different parts of the city, especially the communities. Fathers and mothers of children and teenagers were present and participated enthusiastically in a quiz, showing their knowledge of the campaign's themes. To close the afternoon of cultural activities, one of the project's teenagers, MC Guararapes.

Sayings such as “I believe in equality between boys and girls” and “I believe in a world free from racism”, illustrated the shirts distributed to project participants. 2016 calendars and newspapers made for each community were also distributed, with articles about the workshops, tips, crosswords and cartoons on the campaign themes.

About the project

“Praticando Esporte, Winning in Life” is a project offered by Promundo for children and adolescents from the communities of Guararapes and Maré, which combines Portuguese, Mathematics and English tutoring, gender and sexuality awareness workshops and sports practice, with funding from Comic Relief and KNH.

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