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Promundo in the Media: “Engaging Parents and Changing Norms: Perspectives on Developing, Scaling and Helping Gender Transformative Programming in Brazil”

Text by Ruth Rosalle, Helen Walsh, Jasmine Lam and James Radner analyzes the methodology in Program P through the perspective of Saving Brains.

Saving Brains is a collective learning platform, a partnership between foundations focused on working with Early Childhood and published through a notice focused on child development in Early Childhood. As an institution committed to this stage of life, especially thinking about the intersection between fatherhood and care, Promundo, throughout 2021, participated in several exchanges with other organizations globally presenting the Program P methodology in virtual meetings.

As a result, in addition to improving our consultants in these meetings, Saving Brains partners wrote a beautiful case study article about our methodology most used in our projects, awarded in the Civil Society category in the award for good practices aimed at First Childhood at the National Council of Justice : the P Program. In the text named “ Engaging Fathers and Changing Norms: Perspectives on Developing, Scaling and Sustaining Gender Transformative Programming in Brazil” (the title of this article is a translation of the title) throughout thirteen pages written in English, the authors present Promundo, explain the methodology, present examples of using the Program and seek to show improvements and adjustments that our organization made in implementing Program P.

After contributing to Brazil's significant achievements against HIV/AIDS, Promundo has expanded its focus, seeking other ways to support children and empower communities. Miguel Fontes said that in 1998, as he and his wife prepared for the birth of their first child, the path forward became clear to him. He wanted to be an involved father and caregiver to his children, but recognized that he first needed to unpack his own masculinity and his relationship with the macho culture in which he lived. For him, fatherhood became a “window of opportunity to give new meaning to my masculinity”. He concluded that “the greatest benefit we can give to children, women and especially men, is to rethink masculinity”. excerpt from the text (page 03, our translation)

The text also features an interview with our founder, Miguel Fontes, who explains how the institution turned its efforts to Early Childhood care, rethinking gender relations based on the new meaning of masculinity. The text also briefly discusses other Promundo methodologies, such as Program M and Program H, covering the nuances of each one. Care was taken to think about the reach of Program P in Brazilian territory, through government partnerships, emphasizing that Promundo seeks more structural social changes, connected to a broader understanding of public policy, including the involvement of the Ministry of Health, during of its steps which are also carefully explained and addressed throughout the article. It is based on the National Men's Health Policy, which seeks paternal inclusion in prenatal settings, for example, and that Promundo acts as a trainer for health professionals, extending the scope of the methodology.

“Through this partnership, Promundo also developed a course for healthcare professionals across Brazil called “Promoting Men’s Engagement in Fatherhood and Care”. The course now reaches clinicians in all 27 states in Brazil with material on the importance of engaging men as caregivers and guidance on best practices, including approaches to reducing sexism, unpacking rigid masculinity, and promoting gender equality and shared care. ”

Excerpt from the article, page 06 (our translation)

The authors also highlight that partnerships with Social Protection programs, such as Criança Feliz, also strengthen the methodology and increase the impact of Promundo's work. Using this approach, it was possible to remodel relationships with men who are socially vulnerable, encouraging boys and men to redesign their masculinities, understanding that men are also victims of the patriarchal system. Promundo, as highlighted in the text, also establishes partnerships from an educational perspective, with State Education Departments, strengthening the changes proposed through the Program P methodology.

Finally, two innovations that occurred in 2021 were highlighted in the text: the adaptation of Program P to its online version and our work with traditional communities in Amapá, with the riverside inhabitants of Ilha de Santana and with the indigenous people of the Wajãpi community. To check the full text (in English) just click on this link:

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