October is the month in which Children's Day is celebrated in Brazil. In 2012, the UN established October 11th as the commemorative date for the International Day of the Girl, an important reference that draws attention to all types of violence, abuse and discrimination to which girls are subjected around the world. The UN is focusing on the issue of child marriage, as it is estimated that one in three women aged between 20 and 24 – around 70 million young people – were married before the age of 18. According to the UN, although this number has decreased over 30 years, this is still a challenge to be faced, especially in rural areas and among the poorest countries.
In this edition of Notícias Promundo we shed light on the promotion of the rights of children and adolescents by addressing two serious issues that involve the topic: the prevention of exploitation and sexual violence against children and adolescents and the prevention of physical and humiliating punishments.
We interviewed James Hanfer, from the North American organization Stop it Now, which works to prevent sexual exploitation and violence, and we present Carlos' Video, about a young man from Nicaragua who gives a very moving account of his story, which involves abuse, but especially overcoming. We also bring an article by Márcia Oliveira, coordinator of the permanent campaign Não Bata, Eduque!, which clarifies the importance of approving the law against physical punishment that is being processed in the National Congress of Brazil.
We hope you have a good read!