Promundo Institute
Promundo Institute, Ministry of Health
Promundo Institute
Promundo Institute
Promundo Institute, Ministry of Health
Program M – Working with girls and women
Promundo Institute
Research Instruments
Odilon Schwerz Burtet
At the moment when the amendment that included the provision for paternity leave in the 1988 Federal Constitution was going to be considered, the president of the constituent, Ulysses Guimarães, quoted the comedian Chico Anysio, stating that “Father's Day was nine months earlier”. Ridiculed, the author of the amendment took to the stand to defend the right to paternity leave…
Viseni Wajãpi, Makarari Wajãpi, Japarupi Wajãpi, Pauri Wajãpi, Japukuriwa Wajãpi, Jawaruwa Wajãpi, Waraku Wajãpi
“We who are part of the Wajãpi indigenous people and are located in several communities spread across the Wajãpi Indigenous Land (TIW), in the Municipalities of Pedra Branca do Amapari, Laranjal do Jari and Mazagão, in the state of Amapá. We have our own social organization that includes our way of life. Our paternity system is part of…
UNICEF, Promundo Institute
PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood Practices for the full child development of black and indigenous children The PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood strategy aims to draw the attention of Brazilian education, social assistance and health professionals to the impacts of racism on child development, in addition to guarantee, in fact, qualified service and…
UNICEF, Promundo Institute
PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood Practices for the full child development of black and indigenous children The PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood strategy aims to draw the attention of Brazilian education, social assistance and health professionals to the impacts of racism on child development, in addition to guarantee, in fact, qualified service and…
UNICEF, Promundo Institute
PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood Practices for the full child development of black and indigenous children The PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood strategy aims to draw the attention of Brazilian education, social assistance and health professionals to the impacts of racism on child development, in addition to guarantee, in fact, qualified service and…
UNICEF, Promundo Institute
PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood Practices for the full child development of black and indigenous children The PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood strategy aims to draw the attention of Brazilian education, social assistance and health professionals to the impacts of racism on child development, in addition to guarantee, in fact, qualified service and…
UNICEF, Promundo Institute
PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood Practices for the full child development of black and indigenous children The PIA – Anti-Racist Early Childhood strategy aims to draw the attention of Brazilian education, social assistance and health professionals to the impacts of racism on child development, in addition to guarantee, in fact, qualified service and…
UNICEF, Promundo
The year 2012 at Promundo was marked by the expansion of our operations in new contexts and our specialization in methodologies and research with which we have worked throughout the institute's history. With the work carried out this year, it is now possible to see the global MenCare campaign taking root in the vulnerable area of plantations…
Promundo Institute
This is the 2022 Annual Report, which summarizes the activities carried out in 2022. Promundo is a Brazilian non-governmental organization, founded in 1997, that seeks to promote gender equality and violence prevention with a focus on the involvement of men and women in the transformation and resignification of masculinities. Over…
Viseni Wajãpi, Makarari Wajãpi, Japarupi Wajãpi, Pauri Wajãpi, Japukuriwa Wajãpi, Jawaruwa Wajãpi, Waraku Wajãpi
“We who are part of the Wajãpi indigenous people and are located in several communities spread across the Wajãpi Indigenous Land (TIW), in the Municipalities of Pedra Branca do Amapari, Laranjal do Jari and Mazagão, in the state of Amapá. We have our own social organization that includes our way of life. Our paternity system is part of…
Rodrigo Campos Crivelaro, Everton Nunes da Silva, Miguel Barbosa Fontes, Dai Gonçalves Rocha
Scientific article on the cost-effectiveness analysis of a Program against Sexual Exploitation in Brazil written by Rodrigo Campos Crivelaro, Everton Nunes da Silva, Miguel Barbosa Fontes and Dai Gonçalves Rocha
Luciano Ramos, Daniel Costa Lima, Elvia Cristina, Humberto Baltar, Ismael dos Anjos, Tamis Nogueira, Viviana Santiago, Luiza Tanuri (translation)
English version of the First Black Paternities Report in Brazil About this report Daniel Costa Lima and Luciano Ramos As the Colombian anthropologist Mara Viveros Vigoya writes, it is necessary to “undermine the idea of an abstract, universal and disembodied masculinity” (2018, p .24), and one of the ways to do this is to…
Dialogue with young people is a very pleasant challenge! Throughout its history, youth have been Promundo's priority audience to address topics such as masculinity, fatherhood, gender equality, female empowerment and sexual diversity. Programs M and H, for example, were created with the aim of providing a methodological approach…
Letter from the Executive Director and President of the Deliberative Council In the second year of the covid-19 pandemic, 2021 was also a year marked by great challenges. With the spread of variants of the virus, the epidemic reached alarming numbers of infected people, hospitalizations and deaths in Brazil and around the world. The humanitarian, social and economic effects were, more…
Promundo's Bylaws
Promundo's Bylaws
National Council of Justice
In July 2019, the CNJ published Public Call no. 001/2019 for selection, awarding and dissemination of Good Practices implemented by Companies, Government, the Justice System and Organized Civil Society. The selection of Good Practices aims to identify successful experiences that have shown effective results in guaranteeing rights and attention to…
Annual Report 2020
Promundo Institute
Letter from the Executive Director 2020 will go down in world history as a completely atypical year. A pandemic of global proportions has devastated all countries and definitively changed the way organizations and individuals communicate. As I write this text, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 4.1 million…
Luciano Ramos, Daniel Costa Lima, Elvia Cristina, Humberto Baltar, Ismael dos Anjos, Tamis Nogueira, Viviana Santiago
About this report Daniel Costa Lima and Luciano Ramos As Colombian Mara Viveros Vigoya writes, it is necessary to “undermine the idea of an abstract, universal and disembodied masculinity” (2018, p. 24), and one of the ways to do this is by drawing attention to the fact that “colonized men were never the ones who defined…
Promundo, Aline Nalon, Everton Rangel, Liz Cosmelli, Luciana Araújo, Luciano Ramos, Priscila Pereira, Stallone Abrantes, Tábata Pedrosa, Tássia Áquila
The Gender-Based Violence Booklet for Social Assistance professionals is part of the material produced to support institutional strengthening on GBV in the activities of the Salvador Project: Preventing Gender-Based Violence through the Social Assistance System, of the World Bank. The World Bank aims to innovatively improve the effectiveness of…
Luciano Ramos, Camila Rebouças, Promundo
In partnership with ANDI – Comunicação e Direito and Petrobras. Since the beginning of the actions of the Uma Ilha de Paternidades Project, the project has worked from the perspective of assistance, through groups on Paternity and Care for the protection of Early Childhood. Thus, the Project seeks to carry out activities with male fathers to exercise…
There are two main documents that govern this Policy for the Protection of People in Vulnerable Situations. Firstly, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and, secondly, within Brazilian legislation, the Child and Adolescent Statute (Law nº 8,069/1990) and, at the international level, the International Convention on Human Rights …
The work plan to implement actions aimed at reducing the vulnerabilities of children and adolescents, in schools covered by the Knowledge Road Program (PEC), in the cities of Aguiarnópolis, Aliança do Tocantins, Barrolândia, Colinas do Tocantins, Pugmil and Wanderlândia, has as a reference actions related to the theme of violence based on the diversity of individuals and…
Luciano Ramos, Tassia Áquila, Camila Rebouças Fernandes, Viviane Cristina
We dedicate this material to Gisele Rodrigues Alves, mother of 04 children and adolescents participating in the Youth Project for the End of Violence in Morro do Guararapes – Rio de Janeiro, who passed away on 08/22/2021. Gisele and other families in an extremely vulnerable situation were part of the reasons for preparing this report. The care of…
We at Promundo have been concerned — since always — with the importance of paternal participation in the lives of sons and daughters. In the search for a more egalitarian world and the end of a society guided by machismo, we try to contribute to the formation of generations of father figures who are more concerned and aware of their roles within…
Promundo, Secretariat for Social Development, Children and Youth (SDSCJ), Executive Secretariat for Social Assistance (SEASS) of the State of Pernambuco, Secretariat for Social Development, Human Rights, Youth and Drug Policy (SDSDHJPD), Executive Secretariat for Social Assistance ( SEAS) of Recife City Hall, Development and Citizenship Center (CDC)
The protection and promotion of the integral development of children and adolescents, including in the first six (06) years of life, is part of a historical and social construction at the international level, which in Brazil has occupied an important and necessary social, political and with repercussions that require systemic and integrated action in the three…
In March 2020, Brazil was affected by the Corona Virus Pandemic. Since the end of 2019, other countries were being affected by COVID 19, with very frightening numbers of victims, including people who died. As much as there was empathy and solidarity on our part towards those going through this…
Luciano Ramos, Luiza Tanuri, Priscila Pereira, Promundo
“I plan my future now. I won't just wait for tomorrow. Now is now”, (CE student Maria de Nazareth and project participant) In Brazil, 11 million young people, almost a quarter of the population between 15 and 29 years old, neither study nor work. This phenomenon of young people outside the job market…
The J Program (J for Youth in Portuguese) was developed within the scope of the Youth for the End of Violence Project. This pilot project ended its 3-year cycle in December 2017 and was funded by the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women, (UNTF). The project…
Miguel Fontes, Luciano Ramos, Rodrigo Laro, Bruna de Oliveira, Promundo
LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD (2018-2019), EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (2019) AND FOUNDING PARTNER (1997) In the last four years, PROMUNDO went through its biggest challenge since its founding in 1997. With an increasing increase in the deficit accumulated over In its history, the Institute needed to reinvent itself. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to lead this…
Maria Corrêa e Castro, Ana Nery Correia Lima, Raquel Rodrigues de Oliveira, Luciano Ramos, Luiza Tanuri, Promundo
Aiming to create spaces for reflections on our daily actions, about who we are and where we come from, the notebook: “Facing Racism and Gender Inequalities” has as its main function to construct affirmative and true images of the black population and their historical and continuous contributions to the formation of Brazilian society. The material aims to contribute to…
In recent years, the topic of diversity has been a constant topic of discussion in the corporate world, both nationally and internationally, it has been the target of recommendations, pacts, commitments and other documents aimed at companies and governments, but there is still a long way to go to consolidate a corporate practice of respect for everyone. With this material…
This guide is the result of work developed by Instituto Promundo, since 2013, in which we apply a methodology that uses sport as a strategic tool to reach children, adolescents, young people and adults. This involves involving them in actions to promote gender equality, health promotion and violence prevention. This way…
Daniel Costa Lima, Milena do Carmo Cunha dos Santos, Promundo
State of Fatherhood in Brazil 2019: Time to Act is the second report of its kind in the country, which is part of the State of Fatherhood in the World initiative, led by the MenCare Global Fatherhood Campaign. The second Brazilian report intends to update the first report on the State of Fatherhood in Brazil, launched by…
In 2003, Promundo underwent restructuring. The institution's accelerated growth in terms of projects, people and budget has greatly increased the volume of work and the complexity of administrative management. Reinforced support began to be given to coordinators of the technical areas (Youth, Gender and Health and Families and Communities). For more…
Danielle Araújo, Milena do Carmo, Mohara Valle, Norma Sá, Promundo
This Toolbook is the result of the Educators Training Project for Gender Equality, carried out through a partnership between the Promundo Institute and the Stimulu Institute/Galpão Aplauso, between the months of June 2016 and June 2017. activity proposals present in this booklet are the result of adaptation…
This guide seeks to support the Young Mobilizers participating in the Tourism and Child Protection project, implemented by Plan International Brasil, in continuing actions to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents (ESCA), even after the end of the project. The guide brings activities that are linked to topics that young people find important to discuss…
Promundo, MenCare, You are my Father
This report seeks to present the situation of paternity in Brazil in different areas, such as Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Men's Health, Violence against Women and Children, World of Work, Public Policies, civil society initiatives, relationship between the economy and paternity and Homoparenting. It also seeks to map the efforts and…
In 2015 we began a three-year initiative to work with partners, including UN Women, to conduct the International Men and Gender Equity Survey – IMAGES in four Middle Eastern countries, promoting a deeper understanding of the relationship between men and equity gender in the region. Along with the campaign…
Silvani Arruda, Vanessa Fonseca, Amana Mattos, Danielle Araújo, Mariana Azevedo, Rebecca Batista de França, Eloah Vieira, Linda Cerdeira, Promundo
This Toolbook aims to bring proposals for reflection and activities on gender equity to be developed within the scope of conditional income transfer programs by professionals and community leaders who accompany the beneficiaries of these programs.
Silvani Arruda, Vanessa Fonseca, Danielle Araújo, Mariana Azevedo, Rebecca Batista de França, Eloah Vieira, Linda Cerdeira, Promundo
This booklet was written with beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program – PBF in mind, addressing relationships between men and women, the division of domestic labor, care for children, differences, inequalities and violence.
Andreza Jorge, Dayana Sabany, Nathalia Barros, Rosangela Silveira, Danielle Lopes, Promundo
This guide was born from the experience of the Praticando Esporte, Vencendo na Vida project, implemented by Promundo, in partnership with ChildHope and funding from Comic Relief and Kinder Not Hilfe (KNH).1 Its content reflects the objectives, lessons learned and the trajectory of the project that , between 2013 and 2015, developed various sports practices, communication campaigns, educational workshops on gender, diversity, racial equality and prevention…
Andreza Jorge, Dayana Sabany, Nathalia Barros, Rosangela Silveira, Danielle Lopes, Promundo
This guide was born from the experience of the Praticando Esporte, Vencendo na Vida project, implemented by Promundo, in partnership with ChildHope and funding from Comic Relief and Kinder Not Hilfe (KNH).1 Its content reflects the objectives, lessons learned and the trajectory of the project that , between 2013 and 2015, developed various sports practices, communication campaigns, educational workshops on gender, diversity, racial equality and prevention…
Combining sports practice, school reinforcement and gender awareness workshops, the Praticando Esporte, Winning in Life project promotes the prevention of violence against children and adolescents in the communities of Maré and Guararapes, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Vanessa Fonseca, Jacqueline Cabral, Gilmara Cunha, Danielle Araújo, Promundo
This toolkit aims to present some ideas for actions to promote respect for diversity in companies. Created by a group of different civil society organizations – Instituto Promundo and Grupo Conexão G – and companies from the Eletrobras Group – Cepel, Furnas, Eletrobras and Eletronuclear -, it aims to complement the actions…
In 2014, Promundo's partnerships reached more than 20 countries and included new sectors, such as the involvement of men as allies in promoting gender equity in agricultural development and maternal, newborn and child health, as well as the involvement of men as allies in preventing child marriage and exploitation…
When Men Change tells the story of four men who changed the way they think about gender equity, sexual and reproductive health and violence. In recent years, there has been growing interest in exploring how men can contribute to promoting gender equality and preventing violence against women…
Alice Taylor, Giovanna Lauro, Marcio Segundo, Margaret Greene
Brazil – like Latin America in general – has been absent from many global discussions and actions around child and adolescent marriage, which are largely concentrated in critical zones such as Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The data available in Latin America and the Caribbean,…
Alice Taylor, Giovanna Lauro, Marcio Segundo, Margaret Greene
Brazil – like Latin America in general – has been absent from many global discussions and actions around child and adolescent marriage, which are largely concentrated in hotspots such as Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The data available in Latin America and the Caribbean,…
Danielle Bittencourt, Vanessa Fonseca, Márcio Segundo
This article discusses the access of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite, Transsexual and Transgender (LGBT) population living in favelas to public health services, seeking to understand some specificities related to health care for this population. This debate is based on a study of the perceptions of health professionals and the LGBT population on the topic,…
Promundo, Plan International Brazil
In 2013, Plan Brasil brought together a group of young people from Maranhão, from the Healthy Adolescent Program, interested in carrying out actions with other young people. The idea was to join forces to promote autonomy, health, pleasure and gender equality, guaranteeing respect for their sexual and reproductive rights. After workshops mediated by the Promundo Institute, young people realized that…
The children's book “Chutando Pedrinhas” addresses the specificities of the relationship between father and daughter and how parents can contribute to an equitable education between girls and boys. While walking together, father and daughter talk about the desires and dreams of this girl who finds herself limited by social standards that reserve specific roles for men...
Promundo, CulturaSalud, REDMAS
Manual aimed at professionals in the health sector, education and community workers with evidence of best practices on the participation of men and their partners in the exercise of fatherhood and care, male self-care and the involvement of men in maternal and child health.
The game “Em Seu Lugar” is a tool that aims to bring light to the discussion about the rights of the young population, mainly with regard to their sexual and reproductive health. Aimed at professionals in the areas of education, health and also people who work directly with teenagers and…
These videos from the campaign “It's not fun, it's sexual exploitation against children and teenagers” aim to raise awareness about the sexual and commercial exploitation of children and teenagers. The films are in Portuguese and have subtitles in English and Spanish. Watch more films from the “It’s not fun, it’s Sexual Exploitation” campaign here and here.
These videos from the campaign “It's not fun, it's sexual exploitation against children and teenagers” aim to raise awareness about the sexual and commercial exploitation of children and teenagers. The films are in Portuguese and have subtitles in English and Spanish. Watch more films from the “It’s not fun, it’s Sexual Exploitation” campaign here and here.
These videos from the campaign “It's not fun, it's sexual exploitation against children and teenagers” aim to raise awareness about the sexual and commercial exploitation of children and teenagers. The films are in Portuguese and have subtitles in English and Spanish. Watch more films from the “It’s not fun, it’s Sexual Exploitation” campaign here and here.
The Responsible Supporter's Guide, created by Promundo for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, is a primer for football fans on preventing commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents (ESCCA). Includes an exclusive interview with the right-back of the 1994 world champion Brazilian team, Jorginho, about…
In 2013, Promundo collaborated with the World Bank in an in-depth analysis of the results of the IMAGES study (International Men and Gender Equality Survey, in English), which has already been carried out in more than 10 countries, together with the International Center for Research on Women and other partners. Based on the understanding of what contributes to…
Young People and Equity
Violence Prevention
Vento no Rosto is a children's book created by children, but dedicated to adults. The story of Lucas, the book's central character, was created by 12 boys and girls, between 6 and 13 years old, from the Maré community, participants in the Sport, Culture and Citizenship project of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). The project developed by Promundo,…
Promundo, Grupo Conexão G
“Access of the LGBT population (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals) living in Favelas to health services” aims to understand the difficulties and forms of access of the LGBT population, living in the Complexo da Maré favela, to services and healthcare units. health, having as a specific concern the articulation between issues related to the LGBT experience…