Program D
Designed as a complement to Programs H and M, Program D combats homophobia and promotes diversity.
Program D was developed based on evaluations of Programs H and M, which proved effective in transforming gender and sexuality norms among young men and women and highlighted the promotion of sexual diversity as an area in demand for a specific program.
The Program D manual promotes respect for sexual diversity by inviting young people to reflect on issues, possible fears and prejudices related to homosexuality. The main educational tool – a wordless cartoon – can be used in various cultural contexts: it can be used in group work sessions in schools and is often complemented by initiatives led by young people themselves with the aim of ending homophobia and promoting respect for diversity and sexual rights.
Program D (D for Diversity) promotes respect for sexual diversity and challenges homophobia by promoting reflection on gender stereotypes and sexual behaviors among young men and women. The interactive curriculum contains 19 activities, developed by Salud y Género in partnership with Promundo, ECOS, Instituto Papai and World Education. This curriculum was developed as a complement to Programs H and M, and the approaches and core activities of the three programs are integrated into the HMD Programs Handbook for Action .
Program D uses interactive activities and group education to promote debates about gender socialization, the construction of sexuality and expand young people's views on caring for their mental and sexual health. This program is aimed at teenagers and young people, as well as professionals in the education and health sectors.
The wordless cartoon Afraid of what? , which tells the story of a teenager called Marcelo, can be used to follow the activities of Program D, through the use of the guide , which accompanies the video. The film and guide, developed by Promundo, Papai, ECOS and Salud y Género, targets young people and is a tool that seeks to encourage reflection on fears and prejudices related to homosexuality and promote respect for sexual diversity and a society fairer and more inclusive between young men and women. They are also aimed at teachers and health professionals who work with young people. The lack of dialogue and the cartoon's awareness-raising approach make it accessible to various cultural contexts.
Related Programs
Program H : Aimed at young men, Program H encourages reflection on rigid norms associated with masculinity and promotes the transformation of gender-related attitudes that produce inequities.
Program M : Targeted at women, Program M focuses on promoting equitable gender roles, female empowerment, promoting sexual health and reproductive health, and promoting motherhood and caregiving.