Annual Reports

Annual Report 2022
Promundo Institute
This is the 2022 Annual Report, which summarizes the activities carried out in 2022. Promundo is a Brazilian non-governmental organization, founded in 1997, that seeks to promote gender equality and violence prevention with a focus on the involvement of men and women in the transformation and resignification of masculinities. Over…

Annual Report 2021
Letter from the Executive Director and President of the Deliberative Council In the second year of the covid-19 pandemic, 2021 was also a year marked by great challenges. With the spread of variants of the virus, the epidemic reached alarming numbers of infected people, hospitalizations and deaths in Brazil and around the world. The humanitarian, social and economic effects were, more…

Annual Report 2020
Promundo Institute
Letter from the Executive Director 2020 will go down in world history as a completely atypical year. A pandemic of global proportions has devastated all countries and definitively changed the way organizations and individuals communicate. As I write this text, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed more than 4.1 million…

Quadrennial Report 2016 to 2019
Miguel Fontes, Luciano Ramos, Rodrigo Laro, Bruna de Oliveira, Promundo
LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD (2018-2019), EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (2019) AND FOUNDING PARTNER (1997) In the last four years, PROMUNDO went through its biggest challenge since its founding in 1997. With an increasing increase in the deficit accumulated over In its history, the Institute needed to reinvent itself. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to lead this…

Annual Report 2003
In 2003, Promundo underwent restructuring. The institution's accelerated growth in terms of projects, people and budget has greatly increased the volume of work and the complexity of administrative management. Reinforced support began to be given to coordinators of the technical areas (Youth, Gender and Health and Families and Communities). For more…

Annual Report 2015
In 2015 we began a three-year initiative to work with partners, including UN Women, to conduct the International Men and Gender Equity Survey – IMAGES in four Middle Eastern countries, promoting a deeper understanding of the relationship between men and equity gender in the region. Along with the campaign…

2014 Annual Report
In 2014, Promundo's partnerships reached more than 20 countries and included new sectors, such as the involvement of men as allies in promoting gender equity in agricultural development and maternal, newborn and child health, as well as the involvement of men as allies in preventing child marriage and exploitation…

Annual Report 2013
In 2013, Promundo collaborated with the World Bank in an in-depth analysis of the results of the IMAGES study (International Men and Gender Equality Survey, in English), which has already been carried out in more than 10 countries, together with the International Center for Research on Women and other partners. Based on the understanding of what contributes to…

The year 2012 at Promundo was marked by the expansion of our operations in new contexts and our specialization in methodologies and research with which we have worked throughout the institute's history. With the work carried out this year, it is now possible to see the global MenCare campaign taking root in the vulnerable area of plantations…

2011 Annual Report
In 2011, Promundo worked to consolidate its mission in promoting gender equality and preventing violence against women and children. For its work, it was recognized as one of the organizations with the greatest impact in the field of violence against women, ranking seventh in a ranking of 14 outstanding organizations worldwide. The campaign…

Annual Report 2010
In 2010, Promundo continued the actions previously initiated to promote gender equity through workshops and training for education and health professionals, campaigns and community actions, networking and the development of research and publication of data on the theme. The workshops on gender and sexuality…

2009 Annual Report
The year 2009 was highlighted by two remarkable events that celebrate Promundo's commitment to causes aimed at eliminating inequalities between men and women, between adults and children. Between March and April, we organized, in collaboration with several organizations, the 1st Global Symposium Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality….

Annual Report 2006
The joining of efforts with other social actors is one of the characteristics of Promundo’s operations. In 2006, alliances with organizations in Brazil and around the world were strengthened. The activities carried out by the institution extended to countries in the Americas, Asia and Africa. The exchange of knowledge and adaptation to other cultural contexts…

Annual Report 2005
In 2005, the Promundo team traveled through Brazil, South America, South and Southeast Asia, Central America and various locations in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the aim of working with partner organizations in adapting and implementing the methodologies developed by the institution. Among the activities carried out, Promundo, in…

Annual Report 2004
In 2004, Promundo's mission was reformulated. The development of social technologies was legitimized as a guide for the institution's programmatic actions. Among the activities developed, Promundo led the formation of Aliança H, a global alliance of organizations that seek to promote gender equity among young people. Developed two new projects complementary to…